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Deploy Troops In Taraba To Halt Further Terrorism – Reps

The House of Representatives has called for the deployment of more troops in Ussa Local Government Area of Taraba State in a bid to dislodge terrorists and restore normalcy in the area.

The call was in response to a motion of urgent public importance, moved  by Rep. Rimamnde Kwewum (PDP-Taraba)  and adopted at the plenary on Wednesday in Abuja.

Kwewum said that terrorists who murdered six soldiers of the 93 Army Battalion of the Nigerian Army in Takum in the LGA had continued destruction of settlements in Takum unabated.

He said in the past weeks, over 30 people have been killed, adding that scores of settlements and villages have been attacked and we’re still vulnerable to further attack.

He noted that in the latest attacks, the terrorists waylaid innocent and defenceless people and they freely moved from Takum to Ussa, shooting at motorists and pedestrians.

The lawmaker said that the killings and destruction, had become daily occurrences and in several of the communities the terrorist attack, crops in the field and destroyed houses.

The lawmaker said  the communities appeal and several patriotic resolutions of the House for a stronger intervention by both the State and Federal government had gone unheeded.

Kwewum added that agricultural activities had virtually been disrupted in the area which produce a significant percentage of the foods needs of the country.

According to him, given the proximity of the area to the Ambazonia versus Cameroon conflict the bandits will in no distance future internationalise the crisis.

He added that they would also linked easily and collaborate with Boko Haram cells across the Nigerian border.

The House therefore, urged the intelligence agencies and the operational security agencies to identify the routes and camps of the terrorists and their local collaborators to bring them to book.

The House also urged the National Emergency Management Agency and other spirited organisations to intervene in providing relief materials to the affected communities.

The House mandated the House committees on Defence, National Intelligence and Human Rights to interface with the Arm Forces and ensure compliance and report back to the House within 14 days for further legislative action.

Manuels Effe


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