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Gunmen Shoot Traditional Ruler, Son, Abduct Wife In Plateau 

Gunmen have reportedly  attacked the Angwan Baraya community in the Pyem Chiefdom, Mangu local government area of Plateau state.

DIPLOMATIC DIARY gathered that at least two persons including Baba Yarima Jabi, the village head of Angwn Baraya were shot during the attack on Sunday morning.

Local residents told newsmen that the village head has been rushed to a nearby hospital in the council area, while  his son, identified as Chamsan, who was also shot by the gunmen died during the attack.

One of the residents, Ilya Samson, said that after shooting the victims, the gunmen abducted the wife of the village head and fled into the bush.

 “Our community in Pyam chiefdom, Mangu LGA, has once again been hit with another tragedy as heavily armed killer bandits last night attacked the residence of Elder statesman and leader of Angwan Baraya village, Jannaret Ward, Gindiri District, Baba Yarima Jabil.

“The gunmen opened a barrage of gunfire at his residence around midnight and shot the community leader.

“After the attackers finished their operations unchallenged, he was rushed to a hospital in the locality but his son, Chamsan, who was in his late 30’s wasn’t lucky enough to survive the bullets that hit him as he died instantly.

“The bandits also took away two women including the wife of the community leader and there has been no trace of her whereabouts at the moment.

“As I’m talking to you , we are on our way to bury the son who was killed during the attack which has thrown the community into mourning.

“Some security men came to the village after the gunmen had left and I’m sure this kind of thing would not be happening if we have a government that cares and that is why as a community ,we are calling on other Nigerians to consider the current insecurity in many parts of the country and ensure that they elect the right leaders in government during the 2023 elections”, he said.

The State Police Command has not issued any statement on the incident. Spokesperson for the Command, Alabo Alfred, could not be reached when contacted as  his mobile phone was switched off as at the time of filing this report.

Manuels Effe


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